Holy crud, where did the time go?
Already we’ve broached into the next decade. I can feel the years dragging on by, and while it feels slow in the moment, looking back, it feels like the year had passed in a blink of an eye.
Funny enough, I spent the night clocking down to the new big 0 editing the short. Likewise, my editor did the same in returning back my novel.
I hope that is indicative on where I’ll be sometime to come.
While I’ll be really busy in the next two weeks honoring the deadlines I’ve set myself, my New Year’s resolution is to work on getting regular posts on this blog. This was supposed to be a fun outlet for me but I’ve come to realize putting time and words here means less time and words to put elsewhere.
Which means I need more work balancing my commitments. What else is new.
Here is hoping everyone is having a wonderful time with their family and friends! The holidays are over, meaning it’s time to hit the ground running!
Onward, to the next big thing!